This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Los Angeles house music / Headinghome / Futurehouse
Ok, you are really fucking cool. You're a loosely associated set of labels, promoters, production companies, and friends. You get NYC legends to spin at your loft parties. You have titans like John Tejada and obscure geniuses like Dubloner. You DO NOT HAVE A MAILING LIST FOR EVENTS YOU FUCKING FUCKING IDIOTS, FUCK.

The Billions Corporation
These people handle US bookings for a lot of your favorite artists. Their website paints them as nice people, as well -- for example, there's an anti-Ticketmaster screed.

Remote Agency represents a lot of great tech-house acts, including Akufen, MRI, Ricardo Villalobos, Sutekh and Tomas Jirku. Info on tours, booking, artist bios etc.

Business, Audio, Net, s60, Web, Crowdsourcing, Energy, Automobile, Collaboration, Visual, Web analytics, Data, Mobile, Social, Product Management, Wearables, OS, Javascript, Medical, PIM, Open, MacOS, barcamp, a11y, Shopping, Storage, Hardware, AI, Development, Security, RSS, Android, WRX

Housing, Video, Transportation, Activism, History, Life hacks, Geography, Toys, Games, Quizzes, California, Law, Clothes, Bicycling, Friday, Politik, L.A., Surfing, Travel, Boston, Agriculture, CrowdFlower, Minnesota, Berlin, Personal care, Podcasts, Feminism, Food & Drink, San Francisco, NYC, Statistics, Sports

Business, Labels, History, Musicians, Good tracks, Reviews, House, L.A., Boston, Mailing lists, Making, Streams, Mp3s, Mixes, Lyrics, Shopping, Hip-hop, Videos, Events, Booking

Friends, Life hacks, Exercise, Health, Me, Meditation, Family, Buddhism, Working with, MOTAS, Vocations, Heroes, Weblogs, Enemies, ADD, Subcultures, Stories, Languages, Gossip

Comix, Desktop wallpaper bait, Spoken Word, Literature, Burning Man, Events, Rhetoric, iPad bait, Movies, Sculpture, Outlets, Animation, Humor, Visual, Poetry

IP Law, International Development, Personal services, Real Estate, Shopping, Management consulting, Investing, Non-profit, Insurance, Macroeconomics, Marketing and CRM, Microfinance, Taxes, Personal finance, Web

Cool, Type, Web, Process, Data visualization, IA, Algorithmic, Furniture, Tools, Architecture, Presentations, User experience

Networks, Cognition, Zoology, Physics, Statistics and Data, Psychology, Environment

Vagabond '08, Kenya, Uganda, Kingdom of Siam

Moblog, Photos I Wish I'd Taken, Friends


Internet classic

One Acre Fund


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