This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.

Augmented reality ca. 1900
My great-grandfather Julius painted the constellations on the inside of a black umbrella. When he went to look at the night sky, he took his umbrella along, opened it up and compared.

Wearables, Web, Web analytics, Medical, Storage, Social, Collaboration, Development, PIM, RSS, a11y, Automobile, AI, Hardware, Business, Visual, MacOS, WRX, Android, s60, Mobile, Data, Crowdsourcing, Open, barcamp, Product Management, Security, Shopping, Audio, Energy, Javascript, OS, Net

Games, Feminism, Quizzes, Transportation, Food & Drink, San Francisco, Agriculture, Berlin, California, Travel, Surfing, L.A., Podcasts, Toys, Sports, Housing, Minnesota, Boston, History, Clothes, Personal care, Politik, Law, Statistics, CrowdFlower, NYC, Bicycling, Activism, Friday, Geography, Life hacks, Video

Mp3s, Making, Streams, Videos, Good tracks, History, Boston, Business, Mixes, Booking, Reviews, House, Labels, Events, Musicians, Shopping, Lyrics, Hip-hop, L.A., Mailing lists

Gossip, Stories, Me, Meditation, ADD, Vocations, MOTAS, Working with, Buddhism, Life hacks, Health, Languages, Exercise, Subcultures, Friends, Heroes, Family, Enemies, Weblogs

iPad bait, Desktop wallpaper bait, Outlets, Sculpture, Movies, Visual, Burning Man, Spoken Word, Comix, Literature, Animation, Poetry, Rhetoric, Humor, Events

Non-profit, Management consulting, Shopping, Insurance, Taxes, Investing, Personal finance, Microfinance, Marketing and CRM, Real Estate, Web, International Development, Personal services, IP Law, Macroeconomics

IA, Type, Process, Web, Tools, User experience, Algorithmic, Architecture, Data visualization, Presentations, Cool, Furniture

Cognition, Environment, Networks, Zoology, Physics, Statistics and Data, Psychology

Uganda, Kenya, Kingdom of Siam, Vagabond '08

Photos I Wish I'd Taken, Friends, Moblog


Internet classic


One Acre Fund

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