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And if I haven’t made it clear what I’m talking about, well, we’re starting with an assumption that activities (like the ones in Facebook’s newsfeed and that make up the bulk of FriendFeed’s content) are kind of like the synaptic electrical impulses that make social networking work. Consider that people probably read more Twitter content these days than they do conventional blog posts — if only because, with so much more content out there, we need more smaller bite-sized chunks of information in order to cope.In other words, how can we make the user the center of gravity again, instead of a bunch of applications that want to own the user.
So starting there, we need to look at what it would take to recreate efficient and compelling interfaces for activity streams like we’re used to on FriendFeed and Facebook, but without the benefit of having ever seen any of the services before.
barcamp, Product Management, Javascript, s60, MacOS, Data, Energy, Security, Open, Hardware, Android, Web analytics, Business, OS, Automobile, a11y, Medical, Web, RSS, Mobile, Development, Storage, Social, PIM, Crowdsourcing, Audio, Net, Visual, WRX, Shopping, AI, Wearables, Collaboration
Surfing, Politik, Geography, Housing, Transportation, L.A., Bicycling, Feminism, Berlin, San Francisco, Friday, CrowdFlower, Video, Statistics, Law, Activism, Life hacks, History, Boston, Travel, Games, Agriculture, Clothes, Food & Drink, California, Quizzes, Personal care, NYC, Minnesota, Sports, Toys, Podcasts
Reviews, Mp3s, Mailing lists, House, Making, Mixes, History, Labels, L.A., Booking, Shopping, Lyrics, Musicians, Boston, Events, Videos, Streams, Business, Hip-hop, Good tracks
Heroes, Family, Buddhism, Stories, Exercise, ADD, Weblogs, Me, Meditation, Working with, Enemies, Languages, Health, Subcultures, Gossip, Vocations, Life hacks, Friends, MOTAS
Humor, Sculpture, Movies, Rhetoric, Spoken Word, Animation, Visual, Comix, Events, iPad bait, Desktop wallpaper bait, Outlets, Burning Man, Poetry, Literature
Insurance, Real Estate, Personal finance, International Development, Investing, Macroeconomics, Microfinance, Taxes, Non-profit, Marketing and CRM, IP Law, Management consulting, Personal services, Shopping, Web
Tools, Data visualization, IA, Process, Furniture, Type, User experience, Architecture, Presentations, Web, Algorithmic, Cool
Cognition, Statistics and Data, Environment, Physics, Zoology, Networks, Psychology
Uganda, Kingdom of Siam, Vagabond '08, Kenya