This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Product managers vs accessibility, part two


Things I'm skeptical about that are maybe actually okay
  • Natural language interfaces
  • Centralized social networks
  • "the death of the filesystem"

Still terrible: the impact of illegible UIs and constant unnecessary UI changes on older users.

Energy, OS, Javascript, s60, Audio, Shopping, RSS, Net, Automobile, Visual, Hardware, PIM, Collaboration, WRX, Web, Product Management, Mobile, AI, Android, barcamp, Web analytics, Open, Wearables, Data, Social, MacOS, Business, Development, Crowdsourcing, Storage, Medical, a11y, Security

Friday, Games, NYC, Video, Sports, History, Feminism, Politik, Law, Podcasts, Food & Drink, Personal care, Travel, L.A., Statistics, Geography, CrowdFlower, Toys, Boston, Surfing, San Francisco, Minnesota, Agriculture, Clothes, Housing, Quizzes, Bicycling, Life hacks, California, Transportation, Activism, Berlin

L.A., Mp3s, Lyrics, Streams, Making, Good tracks, Shopping, Mailing lists, Hip-hop, Reviews, History, Musicians, Labels, Videos, House, Booking, Events, Mixes, Boston, Business

Me, Vocations, Family, Working with, MOTAS, Enemies, Languages, Stories, Gossip, Health, Subcultures, ADD, Heroes, Life hacks, Friends, Exercise, Meditation, Weblogs, Buddhism

IP Law, Shopping, Web, Personal finance, Real Estate, Taxes, International Development, Microfinance, Management consulting, Non-profit, Marketing and CRM, Insurance, Personal services, Investing, Macroeconomics

iPad bait, Literature, Sculpture, Events, Burning Man, Poetry, Visual, Animation, Spoken Word, Humor, Rhetoric, Desktop wallpaper bait, Outlets, Comix, Movies

Furniture, Data visualization, User experience, Cool, Presentations, Algorithmic, Web, IA, Tools, Type, Process, Architecture

Statistics and Data, Physics, Environment, Cognition, Psychology, Networks, Zoology

Vagabond '08, Kenya, Kingdom of Siam, Uganda

Photos I Wish I'd Taken, Friends, Moblog



Internet classic

One Acre Fund

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