This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Penda's Fen (1974)
"Manichaeism ... heresy ..."

"The belt moves on regardless of the needs of men. It gets at a man's heart. The whole rhythm of his life is chained to the machine. It's called productivity, Stephen. I've seen it. All day long the ambulances here are never still."

"No ... no! I am nothing pure. Nothing pure ... my race is mixed, my sex is mixed. I am woman and man! Light with darkness! Mixed! Mixed ... I am nothing special, nothing pure. I am mud and flame!"

A photo of a boy looking into the water of a fen, not seeing the angel standing near him, watching him.

Two internets
I once read a Choose Your Own Adventure book that had an ending (a happy ending, I remember a picture of a shining city) you could only reach by exploring the book and opening directly to that page. You couldn't get there by picking options "if you follow the man offering candy into his van, go to page 10."

The internet's kind of the same way, there's the default internet of feeds telling you what's new what's happening, and the other internet you can only find by Googling for random stuff like Ferris Bueller's bedroom.

Have you seen Kieslowski's "Red"? Can you tell me what happened?
Video Hut rented me a cocktease of a DVD that seized up during the last two minutes of the movie. I still don't know who all the survivors were.

Weird little Jim Henson shorts

LA Christmas double feature: Bullitt and Dirty Harry

The Departed
What was in the fucking brown envelope?

movies to watch

  • rescue dawn
  • kieslowski (blue, white, decalogue)
  • Trans-Saharan Musical Brotherhoods (forthcoming?)
  • radiohead flick meeting people is easy
  • film critic's list of 102 films everyone should see
  • the magic christian
  • United 93?
  • pan's labyrinth
  • good bye lenin!
  • clubbed to dead

  • 7up 7plus7 21up etc
  • something by Wong Kar Wai

eat to defeat - destruction was mutually assured
My friend Anna directed this movie in 48 hours.

three neglected 80s movies i saw today
The Pick-Up Artist
Turk 182!
Get Crazy

sex, lies, and videotape
I guess I can see how this movie might have been seen as weird and transgressive when it came out, but the way it views sex is romantic to the core. Soderbergh just wants people to communicate, love each other. It's the kind of message I find cloying in a lot of other films. Not here, though.

Paris at dawn at 233km/h.

heat vision and jack
Pilot for an unreleased Jack Black + Owen Wilson parody of Knight Rider.

Emma Watson
Hermione is hot all of a sudden. Or at least she will be in movie 4.

dvd tracks
User-created commentary tracks.

the only good matrix II review
You don't need 2,000 words to summarize this film.

What is truth, said jesting Tony?
Can't wait to see 24 Hour Party People. Will then return here to be set straight.

Ernest & Bertram
"PROGRAM NOTES: Lillian Hellman visits Sesame Street. A tale of rumors, innuendo, and felt as the secret lives of childhood icons are revealed."

Renegade Sesame Street short film. (can't actually get to the film right now)

From: Randy Bell
Subject: Screenings

My film "Modest Scarring" will screen at the Brattle Theater Friday, May 31 at 9pm. The film is part of the Boston Cinema Census, a one hour and forty minute program of Boston area independent films. Tickets are $8 and available at the door. The Brattle Theater is located at 40 Brattle Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. Ph (617) 876-6837. Website:

"Modest Scarring" and "Look Back Don't Look Back" (my previous film made with Justin Rice) will screen at the Coolidge Corner Theater Tuesday, June 4 at 7:30pm. The screening is part of the Boston Film/Video Foundation's Meet the Director series. Tickets are $5 ($4 for BFVF or Coolidge Corner Theater members) and are available at the door. The Coolidge Corner Theater is located at 290 Harvard St., Brookline, MA. Ph (617) 734-2501. Information can be found at and


  • Lucas's latest movie spends down more fan goodwill accrued during the go-go years of the first trilogy.
  • Hayden Christiansen's brow furrows. Emote! Emote!
  • R2D2 can't fly.
  • Ok, say he can fly. Wouldn't he then have something more sophisticated to scan Padme's room with than a flashlight?

Finally saw Breakfast at Tiffany's. Audrey Hepburn! I don't know about that Paul fellow, though. Handsome, sure, and he always did the right thing, but he spent the whole movie pouting. Drop the passive-aggressive correctness, already.

But Audrey Hepburn!

Yes, you're going to see Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones. These theaters have the digital projection system you need for...I mean, the special effects are the only surefire part of the movie, so you might as well get the most bang for your buck, eh?

One of the films playing is a new David Cronenberg short.

Boston Underground/Undershorts Film Festival - Feb 21, Thurs., 9:15 pm-11:30 pm -Milky Way Bar, Jamaica Plain, 403-405 Centre St., Call 1.617.524.3740 for info. - $8 -

If Star Wars was set in Glasgow. It helps if you imagine Begbie from Trainspotting saying all these lines.
(Darth Vader trying to shoot down Luke Skywalker:)
"The Force is strong in this one"
->"Stop shooglin' ya wee b*stad!"

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