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Things discovered over lunch in Stinson Beach


Hi, I'm from the United States. We're pretty good at basketball. We do some other things, too, but that's not important. Basketball.

In game 6 Fischer played the Queen's Gambit for the first time in his life. The game continued in the Tartakover Variation, a line which Spassky had never lost, and ended in a brilliant win for White. After the game Spassky joined the 1500 spectators in applauding his opponent. 'Did you see that? That was class.', Fischer said later of Spassky's show of applause.

(oh yeah ... you might think that I would include a game recap that matches the quote above. you'd be wrong.)

It could be worse: I could be Greg Oden
Ridiculous because in a year Oden will be swimming in groupies and mashing faces in the low post. But right now he's making blog posts with titles like THE DEPRESSION.

It's my site; I can do that. Three giant scribbles based on gnostic interpretation of Sportscenter highlights? Boom.

It's a New York story, and it's beautiful.

Damn Optimus Prime is a sick nickname dude, what are you thinking?

This is mega old news but it's the best athlete's blog I've ever seen, by far.

LeBron, if you don't stop biting your nails I swear I'm going to fuck you up.

later you have to love the look on Varejao's face after that TD charge, like "yes! All those hours of practice paid off"

one Pacifico later I'm experimenting with the necessity of commentators ... TAKING SIDES Jeff vanG vs Ghostface

Unfortunately, right on. But don't come telling me that "Duncan's all-around brilliance" is somehow exciting to watch for anyone other than Spurs fans.

It's wild how reliably Chauncey makes me happy. We have a creepy fucking bond.

We live in a golden age of sports video. Check how God accelerates into the lane on that last dunk.

"This had nothing to do with poor attitudes, or lack of effort, or lack of team unity… none of those things that get unfairly applied to NBA players. The fact of the matter is that the Greeks play with a continuity and intelligence that takes literally years for a team to develop, and that they had better fundamentals. And it was just proven, beyond any doubt, that you can’t put an all-star team together and make up for that difference, no matter how talented those all-stars are, in three or four weeks. You just can’t."

Video of famous soccer goals.

RUMOR: Materazzi called Zidane a terrorist (according to some random person who claims they read his lips in the replay.)

Update: ok that's prob'ly not what he said, see this awesome comment.

Here's where I keep collecting things Materazzi is supposed to have said:
  • "Play for your own country" according to French TV
  • Called Zidane a bastard (according to some random dude)
  • Said something about his mother (according to French newspaper)
  • Something racist
  • OR possibly all of the above!!!

s'more basketball blogs, funny ones this time

The Big O Blog
NBA legend Oscar Robertson has a blog. Sadly, he's lost some of his faculties:

A strong bench is obviously important and here again I think the two teams are pretty evenly matched, with Lindsey Hunter, Antonio McDyess and Elden Campbell for Detroit, Brent Barry, Robert Horry, and possibly Glenn Robinson – who hasn’t played that much thus far – for the Spurs. (emphasis mine)


Charley Rosen is an awesome basketball commentator
Some of the best basketball writing I've ever read. God bless Rupert Murdoch.

Bill Simmons on the NBA playoffs
"If you like basketball at all, if you've ever cared about it, you need to catch one of these Mavs-Rockets games and see what Tracy McGrady is doing. He just submitted the two best all-around playoff performances by a non-big man since MJ."


The Scottie Pippen blog
No, really. And man, he's even more scathing about Minnesota than regular pundits.

post-up moves
Basketball blog.

Grand slam, motherfucker!

"We just did something that's never been done before. There's no reason we can't do it again tomorrow."

  • Curt Schilling

Damn, apparently that pink spot on his right sock was blood.

joke's on you we're still alive
go with god
look at me, dog

Wolves over the Lakers in seven, yeah. And the Target Center explodes.

Garnett interview
KG has got to be the only top-flight baller ever to compare himself to a little girl chasing a butterfly.

I'm in awe. It's like Kazaa, except instead of trading music you're trading money.

[contents of this space subject to change, you never step in the same river twice, fire is the first element]
20 questions

Tuesday Morning Quarterback Archive
I dunno, I think I liked it better on Slate.

World Cup Blogs
The Brits seem unhappy about the USA's performance. What happened to the "special relationship"?

Oh, I see: The Guardian takes the piss out of's better than being patronised as plucky underdogs.

I can't pretend to be a Red Sox fan since way back. A lot of the fun of following the team for me is the same any tourist in Boston might have. You'd think after six years in this city the North End would have stopped being charming, but I'm sorry to report it hasn't.

So I'm lacking bona fides. But it pisses me off that after such a great start the New York Times still says stuff like "logic dictates" that the Sox will fade at the end of the season. What? I mean surely the Times would be above petty regional rivalries...

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