This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
"Do you owe someone a beer?"
Foamee - a Facebook app has somehow broken out of its nursery and gotten onto the web. Which isn't to say I won't use it.

A: yes, actually - a random stranger. Long story.

Send an email to the future. Talk to future you. Works especially well if you have one of those lifetime college alum email addresses.


Send this: To me, on December 21, 2003
Body: Are we still driving a '93 Volvo? Does the air conditioning work, at least?

Send this: To me, on April 5, 2010
Body: Happy 32nd birthday. Still a bachelor, I bet.

Send this: To me, on July 4, 2050
Body: The death clock says you only have a couple years left. Have we figured anything out yet?

Vectron R/C Flying Saucer
Oh my God it's a radio-controlled flying saucer! Holy fuck!

Hardware, Automobile, Collaboration, Product Management, barcamp, Development, AI, WRX, Mobile, Audio, Wearables, OS, Storage, Net, Android, Medical, Social, Security, Data, a11y, Javascript, s60, Energy, Crowdsourcing, Open, PIM, Shopping, Web analytics, Web, RSS, Business, MacOS, Visual

Friday, San Francisco, Law, Minnesota, Quizzes, Sports, L.A., Video, Games, Feminism, Politik, Podcasts, NYC, California, Travel, Surfing, Life hacks, Agriculture, Berlin, Bicycling, Clothes, Transportation, CrowdFlower, Housing, Food & Drink, Statistics, Geography, Activism, History, Boston, Personal care, Toys

Making, Booking, Good tracks, Musicians, L.A., Lyrics, House, Reviews, Videos, Events, Business, Boston, Mailing lists, Streams, History, Labels, Hip-hop, Mixes, Mp3s, Shopping

Life hacks, Heroes, Health, Meditation, Me, Languages, ADD, Buddhism, Exercise, Vocations, Gossip, Family, Stories, Enemies, MOTAS, Weblogs, Subcultures, Friends, Working with

Spoken Word, Movies, Animation, Rhetoric, iPad bait, Humor, Comix, Burning Man, Outlets, Visual, Sculpture, Desktop wallpaper bait, Events, Poetry, Literature

Taxes, Macroeconomics, Real Estate, Management consulting, International Development, Web, Shopping, IP Law, Investing, Insurance, Personal finance, Non-profit, Microfinance, Personal services, Marketing and CRM

Process, Cool, Furniture, Architecture, Web, User experience, Algorithmic, Presentations, Tools, Data visualization, Type, IA

Networks, Cognition, Physics, Psychology, Environment, Zoology, Statistics and Data

Vagabond '08, Kenya, Uganda, Kingdom of Siam

Friends, Photos I Wish I'd Taken, Moblog


One Acre Fund


Internet classic

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