This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.

Grand slam, motherfucker!

"We just did something that's never been done before. There's no reason we can't do it again tomorrow."

  • Curt Schilling

Damn, apparently that pink spot on his right sock was blood.

MacOS, Hardware, Collaboration, Social, Development, OS, Business, Storage, Medical, Energy, barcamp, Android, Product Management, Visual, Crowdsourcing, WRX, Open, Data, Automobile, Javascript, Security, Mobile, Net, Audio, s60, Wearables, RSS, Web, Shopping, Web analytics, AI, PIM, a11y

Travel, Politik, Activism, Transportation, Life hacks, Video, Friday, Surfing, Law, L.A., Boston, Agriculture, Podcasts, Personal care, San Francisco, Geography, Minnesota, Clothes, Sports, Food & Drink, California, Feminism, History, Bicycling, Toys, Housing, Statistics, NYC, Games, Berlin, CrowdFlower, Quizzes

Musicians, Videos, Reviews, Events, Mp3s, Hip-hop, Making, L.A., Labels, Streams, Booking, History, Mixes, Boston, Shopping, House, Good tracks, Mailing lists, Business, Lyrics

Stories, Heroes, Me, Friends, Working with, Languages, Health, Exercise, Enemies, Meditation, Family, Gossip, Life hacks, Vocations, Buddhism, ADD, MOTAS, Subcultures, Weblogs

Outlets, Humor, Poetry, Literature, Desktop wallpaper bait, Sculpture, Rhetoric, Spoken Word, Burning Man, Events, iPad bait, Movies, Comix, Visual, Animation

IP Law, Web, Personal finance, Real Estate, Shopping, Personal services, Microfinance, Insurance, Macroeconomics, Management consulting, Marketing and CRM, Non-profit, International Development, Taxes, Investing

Furniture, IA, Algorithmic, User experience, Web, Presentations, Cool, Tools, Data visualization, Type, Process, Architecture

Psychology, Physics, Zoology, Cognition, Networks, Statistics and Data, Environment

Kenya, Vagabond '08, Uganda, Kingdom of Siam

Friends, Moblog, Photos I Wish I'd Taken



Internet classic

One Acre Fund

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