This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.

omg the web is alive

Leisure Town
Someone's still paying the server bills for this mothballed, dark, amazing web comic, and it looks good on a phone, too.

Leisure Town

image of a dude shooting up from underwater

Web comics that are not Achewood
Because I might need them someday.

heavy freaks
Positive Ape Index

"You've seen them. There's one that's been sitting on a shelf gathering dust in your uncle Billy's garage for 30 years now. It's image flickers through your head when you're daydreaming about hotrods and monster movies and eating corndogs at the carnival."

Overcompensating: a real true journal comic
"Truly the dark side is for utter bitches."

Matt Groening Apple Ad
A 1989 Macintosh ad from the creator of the Simpsons.

The Perry Bible Fellowship (archive)
Holy shit it's the first good comic since Calvin & Hobbes.

Spaniel Rage
"Coming soon!"

return to sender
comic. with pictures and words and stuff. neet.

PIM, Security, barcamp, Medical, MacOS, Development, Open, RSS, Product Management, WRX, Javascript, Hardware, Visual, Net, Android, Shopping, Business, s60, a11y, OS, Web analytics, Audio, AI, Web, Data, Energy, Crowdsourcing, Mobile, Social, Collaboration, Storage, Wearables, Automobile

CrowdFlower, San Francisco, Food & Drink, NYC, Toys, Friday, Law, Feminism, L.A., Podcasts, Agriculture, Activism, Clothes, Surfing, Transportation, Geography, Travel, Housing, Boston, Life hacks, Sports, History, Games, Statistics, Bicycling, Personal care, Quizzes, Minnesota, Video, Berlin, Politik, California

Making, Hip-hop, House, Musicians, Reviews, Shopping, Events, Lyrics, Videos, Mixes, History, Streams, Business, L.A., Booking, Mp3s, Mailing lists, Boston, Labels, Good tracks

Gossip, Life hacks, Weblogs, Exercise, Friends, Working with, ADD, Buddhism, Family, Heroes, MOTAS, Subcultures, Stories, Enemies, Languages, Me, Vocations, Meditation, Health

Movies, Desktop wallpaper bait, Comix, Burning Man, Literature, Events, Animation, Poetry, iPad bait, Rhetoric, Outlets, Spoken Word, Sculpture, Visual, Humor

Personal services, Macroeconomics, Non-profit, Personal finance, Taxes, Insurance, Shopping, Marketing and CRM, Management consulting, International Development, Web, Microfinance, Real Estate, IP Law, Investing

Cool, Algorithmic, Tools, IA, Process, Architecture, Presentations, Data visualization, Web, Furniture, Type, User experience

Zoology, Physics, Psychology, Statistics and Data, Networks, Environment, Cognition

Kingdom of Siam, Kenya, Uganda, Vagabond '08

Friends, Moblog, Photos I Wish I'd Taken


Internet classic


One Acre Fund

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