This is Lukas Bergstrom's personal weblog. You might want to visit my professional site. You can also find me on Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.
Tricia makes great t-shirts.

Colour of the Day (7 t-shirts)
Must ... have ... useless things ...

Ok, a short skirt is not a costume. In fact, "porn star" as a costume idea is stretching it.

mindblowing japanese video on shirt-folding
Very easy to learn. The most worthwhile five minutes I've spent all week, other than listening to Vitalic.
mefi discussion

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Networks, Zoology, Psychology, Statistics and Data, Environment, Cognition, Physics

Uganda, Vagabond '08, Kingdom of Siam, Kenya

Moblog, Photos I Wish I'd Taken, Friends



One Acre Fund

Internet classic

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