We really couldn’t do this project with out the help of the Boston situation room. They are combing through the reports, getting updates via many different forms of media – basically making sense of a mountain of incoming data. On top of that, they’re coordinating with many more thousands of individuals all over the world to help find critical data on locations, needs and confirmations with the people on the ground in Haiti.And you can be one of those people!
If you've got a small, fixable problem, people will rush to help, because people like to be on the winning side, take credit and do something that worked. If you've got a generational problem, something that is going to take herculean effort and even then probably won't pan out, we're going to move on in search of something smaller.- Seth Godin
The next step for GSF is to improve the quality of education in this area to bring it up to the standards of schools in Goma. To date, the investments of friends and family have allowed us to build five classrooms and enroll 250 students. Each class is full beyond capacity, with children sharing notebooks and pens and sitting four to a desk. Even then, more students the school cannot accommodate line up at the windows to watch lessons.Devon Lake on GSF
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