the porous city

US Treasury Auctions in LA
US Marshals List of Sellers (federal seizures)
Supposedly the savings here are not that great, and you wouldn't be able to have a mechanic check the car out first.

A bunch of people on MeFi try to convince me not to be an idiot

last modified: 17:11:49 15-Dec-2004
in categories:Other/Transportation, Commerce, Other/L.A.


midlife crisis car! midlife crisis car! get something larger and funkier; more useful, less likely to repulse women.

posted by lmo

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Bah! I'm no longer beholden to the whims of your fickle kind. Also if I start driving sports cars now, no one can call it a mid-life crisis when I'm 50. Woo, 2005.

posted by lukas

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keep in mind that three-wheeled high performance vehicles aren't sexy, no matter what age you are. so remember to screw down your lug nuts, if you value your masculinity.

posted by schutz

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