the porous city

five albums
My advisor at work, a dedicated fan of the Rolling Stones and a bunch of other stuff I rarely listen to, requested "five albums so good it doesn't matter what genre they're in." Here's where I brainstorm possibilities. (hint hint, help me out)

I still haven't decided how much I should try to cater to his tastes / ease him in gently. He's pretty clearly looking to have his horizons expanded a bit.
  • Spiritualized, "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space"
  • DJ Shadow, "Entroducing"

last modified: 14:37:51 13-Oct-2005
in categories:Music


I read two (2) options so far. I'd like to know what else you have in mind.

posted by dp homepage

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There are only 2 because I'm totally blanking. Help.

posted by Lukas

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