the porous city

Los Angeles house music / Headinghome / Futurehouse
Ok, you are really fucking cool. You're a loosely associated set of labels, promoters, production companies, and friends. You get NYC legends to spin at your loft parties. You have titans like John Tejada and obscure geniuses like Dubloner. You DO NOT HAVE A MAILING LIST FOR EVENTS YOU FUCKING FUCKING IDIOTS, FUCK.

last modified: 18:32:30 23-Mar-2006
in categories:Music/Booking, Music/Labels, Music/House, Music/L.A., Music/Events


oh, they have a mailing list. you're just not cool enough to know how to get on it yet.

posted by benchun mail

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Look dude it's an LA thing, you wouldn't understand. We need velvet ropes so we know what clubs are worth going into, duh.

posted by Lukas

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