the porous city

Pictures of Cool Shit via the satellite / aerial photographs on Google Maps.

This kind of shit would have been the most amazing thing ever to me in, say, 1992. Maybe even 2000. Now it's "bummer, no time, maybe look at that someday." Maybe I'll never even get around to it, plenty of other stuff to see on the 'net.

Given the amazingness surplus, it's surprising how little time we spend glued to computers. For example, I tend to allocate a certain amount of time to geeking out (it is high) and once I hit my limit for the day I'm done. There's no correlation to the quantity or quality of shit available. It's pure prejudice against screen time. In reality, we should all be spending much, much more time gaping at weird shit on the web. Really. Quit slacking.

last modified: 13:50:34 04-Mar-2007
in categories:Other/Geography





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