the porous city

Have you seen Kieslowski's "Red"? Can you tell me what happened?
Video Hut rented me a cocktease of a DVD that seized up during the last two minutes of the movie. I still don't know who all the survivors were.

last modified: 03:34:14 01-Aug-2007
in categories:Arts/Movies


whoa. i watched "white" last night. was thinking about watching "red" tonight, actually.

posted by anna

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Do it, it's good. Then report back, please. I miss Landmark Theater in Kendall.

posted by Lukas

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alright! done. i found her two expressions rather intolerable, but liked the film despite. survivors: roll call from the three films: juliette binoche (blue), julie delpy (white), the short polish hairdresser (white), the mousey model (blue), the crestfallen guy on the phone w the dog (blue) (and the others may have been sundry characters in the trilogy, i couldn't tell). suggestion in the last frame was that the model lady and dog guy might get together, and the retired judge misanthrope smiled. damn that you missed it!

posted by anna mail

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