the porous city

Joining One Acre Fund
This September I'm moving to Kenya to start a full-time job at One Acre Fund, a microfinance organization serving farmers in Kenya and Rwanda. I'm very, very excited.

last modified: 06:47:24 13-Jun-2008
in categories:OneAcreFund


hot damn, lukas - good on you!

posted by lauren mail homepage

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hot damn indeed sir. very tremendous! This bit from the American magazine article tells a lot about how fantastic you are: "For well-educated college graduates, all-consuming jobs like these, which pay less than manning the counter at Taco Bell but offer meaningful fieldwork, are harder to score than posts at prestigious banks on Wall Street. One staffer told me Youn considered reducing the advertised pay further because he is getting too many strong résumés." Many congrats!

posted by stephanie mail

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