the porous city

Cory and I got kicked out of the 4th of July. Doesn't affect our feelings, though. God Bless America.

last modified: 15:35:42 04-Jul-2002
in categories:People/Me


what happened to you and cory?

posted by eric mail

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they got drunk, dropped their pants and started to slap people in the faces with their dicks.

posted by bot mail homepage

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posted by Lukas mail homepage

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do you deny this accusation??

posted by bot mail homepage

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I do. We were kicked out for our excessive zeal in singing the national anthem. I agree that climbing the flagpole was probably unsafe, but the bullhorn was necessary for us to make ourselves heard.

posted by Lukas mail homepage

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lies. i assure you, there was much dickslapping. an old lady i was talking to still has welts across her face. they looked pretty sore. i bet she loved it.

posted by bot mail homepage

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